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Do Tree Roots Die After Stump Grinding: The North Idaho Edition

When you remove a tree from your property due to disease, old age, storm damage, or any other reason, it leaves a stump behind. This can not only be an eyesore but also a trip hazard. It may also take up valuable space.

The best solution to these issues is to grind the stump. However, before you hire a stump grinding service, you might need to ask: do tree roots die after stump grinding?

As a reputable tree removal company in North Idaho, we take a deeper look into what happens to the roots after grinding the stump.

Do Tree Roots Die After Stump Grinding?

What Is Stump Grinding?

After you remove trees in your yard, you need to get rid of what’s left behind. Stump grinding is part of the tree stump removal process. It turns the stump into a pile of wood chips, which can make good mulch for your plants. It’s worth noting that stump grinding doesn’t remove all tree roots (although in some cases we can grind roots if they are accessible). This might beg the question, how far can you grind a tree stump? Some equipment can grind stumps up to 18 inches deep. However, you can find experienced professionals with industrial-grade machines that can grind your stump until there’s nothing left.

Can Tree Roots Grow Back After Stump Grinding?

Do tree roots die after stump grinding? The answer is not always. Stump grinding will remove the remaining part of the tree that you can see, extending a few inches below the ground level. It leaves the roots relatively undamaged.

Since these roots are still alive, they can sprout back and eventually grow into a full-size tree. However, in most cases, the tree roots gradually decay and supply the soil with nutrients.

Several factors influence the likelihood of your tree’s roots growing back after you grind the stump, including the following:

Soil Fertility

The quality of your soil will determine whether your tree will sprout back to life. If the soil is rich in nutrients, the chances are that sprouts will grow. Moreover, the roots can grow further, and this increases the likelihood of regrowth.

Root Network

If the tree has reached full maturity, the chance of the root system producing sprouts is high. The reason is that the roots are strong enough to hold the tree firmly. Some tree species, like oak and maple, have robust root systems that can extend up to 20 feet.

Tree Species

The primary reason many trees don’t grow back after stump grinding is that they have non-aggressive root systems. Once large roots decay and decompose, the ground often sinks a little and leaves a depression.

This shouldn’t worry you so much; you can simply add topsoil or compost to the void and cover it. Then, you can rake the spot and sprinkle it with some grass seed and water. After a while, you won’t be able to tell the place once had a stump.

Some tree species have aggressive roots, which don’t die easily. Such roots can still produce sprouts after tree stump removal. Good examples of these species are:

  • Maples

  • Crepe Myrtles

  • Poplars

  • Elms

  • Oaks

  • Willow Trees

These trees’ roots grow horizontally, and tree service professionals warn that they can be invasive. They can even damage your utility pipes.

Contact Craft Tree Care Your Local Tree Experts for Assistance

Do tree roots die after stump grinding? This will depend on whether they’re aggressive or non-aggressive. If you need help with grinding your tree stumps, talk to the experts at Craft Tree Care. We provide a wide range of services, including:

  • Tree removal

  • Tree trimming and pruning

  • Stump grinding

  • Emergency Services

  • Fire mitigation

For more details and to book our services, visit Craft Tree Care or give us a call at (208) 620-8242.


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